Transcranial Laser Therapy
There is an increase in the aging population and an increase in the reporting of non-communicable diseases like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and other diseases. These comorbidities alter the quality of life and function of the individual. Aging and comorbidities have a significant effect on cognitive function.
Application of transcranial infrared laser therapy on cognitively dysfunctional individuals to improve their cognitive function and Quality of life.
Target Population
Both gender, Age group of 60-80years, Volunteers with subjective memory complaints
Product Service Details
The Transcranial laser consisted of applying coherent infrared light of specific wavelengths (808nm and 655 nm) using a well-collimated laser.
Specifications: The laser beam area will be uniform and measure 13.6cm2. The laser wave is continuous (CW) and the power output used will be 3.4 W. The irradiance (Power density) used, 250mW/ cm2(3400 mW/13.6 cm2 = 250mW/ cm2 ) as well as the cumulative fluence (energy density) used per site,60J/ cm2 (0.25W/ cm2 x 240 s = 60 J/ cm2 ).
It has three parts which supply the frontal, parietal, and occipital areas. Each area has 3 modules, and each module emits red and infrared lights respectively. The frontal module has 655nm-30Mw Whereas the parietal and occipital modules have 808 nm- 50Mw. The laser helmet will be placed on the skull and treated for a minimum of 20-minute duration for 5 weeks. The two sensors will be applied in the frontal area on the right and left sides of the brain.
Application of Transcranial laser is a novel approach in treating the elderly population with cognitive dysfunction using wavelengths of 808nm and 655 nm.
- Improves cognitive function
- Improves quality of life
- Improves memory
- Improves sleep cycle
The participant will be asked to sit in a comfortable position. The transcranial laser helmet will be placed over the participant’s head. To avoid the direct infrared light exposure to eyes participants will be given with the protective goggles. TILS will be administered daily for a 20- minute duration and a minimum of 5 sessions per week for five- week duration.